#Reverbbroads: Holy Jesus, Bread is Good With Everything

Today’s #reverbbroads prompt is:  Share a recipe or meal that is a summertime favorite.  via Amy Summertime favorite, wintertime favorite, for richer or poorer favorite – I would more than likely die a cold, sad death without bread.  All kinds, any kind, all shapes and sizes.  I LOVES BREAD. Because nothing says “summer” like your oven at 450°, I thought I would share my all-time favorite … Continue reading #Reverbbroads: Holy Jesus, Bread is Good With Everything

#Reverbbroads: Je Suis…Darlene

Yesterday’s #reverbbroads prompt was:  With what fictional character (book, movie, TV, etc.) do you most identify? Why? via Kristen Well, nothing says classy FRONCH titles like Darlene Conner from Roseanne, y’all. Yeah, I was kind of a sarcastic asshole, much like the young Darlene.  Blame my mom for making me do vocab flash cards from age 2, I mean – what the fuck did she expect? … Continue reading #Reverbbroads: Je Suis…Darlene